Soft and hard limits

Starting October 12th this year soft and hard limits will become in effect.

Every subscription plan has a certain token limit and every generated PDF takes up at least 1 token. Up until now if an account went over its monthly limit nothing would happen. But this will change starting tomorrow.

When limits will be in effect the current token limit of a subscription plan will function as a soft limit. Currently we’ve set the hard limit to 20% of the soft limit. So for example our Small plan gives 500 conversion tokens per month and 20% of that will set the hard limit at 600 tokens. Every period, which has the duration of a month, your usage will be reset to 0. Do note that the way the hard limit is calculated may change at any point without prior notice.

As soon as you’ve reached your soft limit we’ll send an extra HTTP header X-Tokens-Warning that’ll notify you of exceeded usage. We also include the HTTP header X-Tokens-Left which let’s you know how many tokens are left in the current period.

Once you’ve reached the hard limit access to the conversion API will be denied with a 403 HTTP Error. The response body will also include a message of why access is denied. Irregardless of reaching your hard limit or not, the /api/usage endpoint will always be available.

Please make sure your current subscription matches your monthly needs, you can check your current and historical usage in your control panel. If not, please contact us to ensure continued service with a matching subscription.



About the Author


HTML2PDF Web Service is an internet service (SaaS) provided by Kras IT. Kras IT is a software development company specialized in creating custom tailored software that fits the requirements of its customers. Kras IT is based in The Netherlands and is privately held.